Sunday, February 17, 2008

Secret Psychology For Compelling A Woman To Stay After She Says She Has To Go.

Secret Psychology For Compelling A Woman To Stay After She Says She Has To Go.

When most men are talking to a woman and she chirps “I've gotta go,” they take it as a threat that she's about to leave.

They'll either beg her to stay or let her walk away because…

They think she isn't kidding about leaving.

But I've got news for you, my friend…

95% of the time it's easier than tying your shoe to get a woman to stay – even when she tells you, “I need to leave, now!”

And in a minute I'm gonna share with you a secret for taking a woman's words “I gotta go” and using them to both emotionally compel her to stay and generate heaps of attraction inside her.

But first, let's review the intention behind a woman's words “I gotta go.”

Sometimes a woman's words “I gotta go” match her intentions.

That's a given.

Maybe you genuinely pissed her off and she wants to leave.

Perhaps there was an awkward lull in the conversation, making her feel uncomfortable. So leaving, to her, seems like the best way to kill the tension.

Maybe she legitimately has somewhere to go.

But here's something you may not know…

There are times when women tell men they want to leave… but they don't. They've got other intentions.

Now and then, for example, women bring up the words “I have to go in minute” early on in the conversation with a man. That way, if the conversation goes awry, they can politely slink on out.

Occasionally these words are a test to see how badly a man wants them to stay.


Every so often, they use these words as a takeaway. As an attempt to spur a man into chasing or pursuing them.

But… regardless of a woman wanting to leave, attempting to make you chase her, or trying to test you, it's well within your reach to compel her to stay… and do it in a way that generates mucho attraction inside her.

Here's what to do, and it wasn't long ago that I discovered this secret for myself…

If you're talkin' to a woman and she says, “I've gotta go help my guinea pig deal with the angst of post industrial madness.”

Respond with: “I've gotta go in a minute myself.”

Then say something to rivet her attention: maybe share a funny story, show her something interesting, or hint that you know something about her without letting her know what it is.

When you sense you've got her fully engaged, pounce. Stick your fangs into her jugular by bellowing…

“Go! You've got to help your guinea pig deal with the angst of post industrial madness! Leave right now. Hurry! Hurry along!”

Here's what'll happen 95% of the time…

She'll stand their like a dumb deer in headlights, not knowing how to react… but wanting to stay.

Let's plunge into the psychology behind this secret…

Whenever you force the unconscious mind to decide between two choices it almost always chooses the one that feels most pleasurable in that moment.

This needs some explaining...

The unconscious mind is like an A.D.D. child. It doesn't care about what will be most pleasurable to it in the future. Instead it lives in the here and now.

Whatever it extracts pleasure from in the moment, is what it thinks is most pleasurable to it.

Let's look at an example...

Have you ever had plans to something really fun, something you were looking forward to doing, but you almost missed out because you got distracted by some show on TV?

Rationally you knew better. But because the TV show was the source of pleasure at that moment, your unconscious mind chose it over your plans.

You might have followed through on your plans.

But I’m willing to bet the thought “I’ll just watch the show” ran through your mind.

Same holds true for the girl you're talking to.

She might have a date with Johnny Depp. Maybe she's going to collect her lottery winnings.

But because her unconscious mind is receiving more pleasure from you in that moment, a part of her is compelled to stay.

Here's something else cool…

The conscious mind justifies what the unconscious mind decides.

As you became more enthralled by the TV show, do you remember thoughts running through your mind like, "Oh... I'll just finish the show. It doesn't matter that much if I am a couple minutes late."?

Your conscious mind was attempting to justify your unconscious mind's decision.

Can you guess why this is useful?

When she unconsciously decides to stay, she consciously thinks to herself: “Wow, gee... this guy's kinda interesting... I guess I can stay a few minutes.”

But this barely scratches the surface of what's going on here.

The power lies in using a psychologically deadly form of push-pull that taps into neurological hardwiring in her brain.

Push-Pull is whenever you emotionally push a woman away from you…and, then, emotionally pull her back in. Each Push creates an emotional space for each Pull.

To get a sense of what I'm getting at, think, for example, of your favorite junk food. What if you went on a strict diet for several weeks, depriving yourself of giving in to that urge to chow down on your favorite food? What would it be like to finally give in to your urge and indulge?

I'm willing to bet it would be more intense than if you hadn't gone on your strict diet, yes?

Now imagine in the midst of enjoying your favorite food a person yanking it away from you.

Annoying, yes? But I'm willing to bet, your desire for the food would grow exponentially.

Same thing is true here…

By engaging the woman, putting her in a good state, you're pulling her into you.

And then… by insisting that she leave through using her own reasons back on her, you're pushing her away, compelling her to emotionally crave you to re-engage her.

Doing this is firing off one of dozens of compliance triggers hardwired into a woman's brain.

Possessing the knowledge and skills to fire off these compliance triggers is what separates the men from the boys. It distinguishes those who get what they want from those who piddle around experiencing haphazard results at best.

Because I want you to be successful women, I've put together a course called Sexual Connections where I transplant the knowledge and skills for firing off these compliance triggers into your brain.

Just like many others have been doing, you too can catapult your current lifestyle with women by getting your hands on a copy of Sexual Connections right now. You deserve it.

In fact, I'm so confident my course is going to transform your dating life style, I'm going to let you test-drive it for 30 days free of charge. Don't like it, send it back. You won't be charged and we'll still be friends.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I think you owe it to yourself to start succeeding with the women you really want.

Click here to reserve your copy right now.

And if you haven't yet picked up a copy of my ebook do so by clicking here. It's the foundation for everything I teach.

Your Loyal Dating Coach,

P.S.-If you have a success story you would like to share or a dating question you would like to ask, or a comment you would like to make, please email me at:

Make sure to include the fist initial of your first and last name. And include the country, state/province, and city you live in.

P.P.S.-If you've got a billing question please email:

Copyright 2008 Superior Living, Inc. All rights reserved."Swinggcat" and "RealWorldSeduction" and "Push-Pull "are trademarks of Superior Living, Inc.

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