Sunday, February 17, 2008

Secret Method For Turning Bratty Behavior Into Uncontrolable Attraction...

Secret Method For Turning Bratty Behavior Into Uncontrolable Attraction...

Story And Question From A Reader...

Hello Swinggcat, I have a major problem and I would be more than forever thankful if you would answer me.

I've read about half your book and many of the things in there are things I feel that I have already. I'm funny, can make girls laugh and I have no problem talking to a complete stranger.

Anyway, I tried some things on a girl that I really like. She didn't have a big interest in me before I read this part of your book.

But now she started to get really interested in me. I did a lot of Push-Pull and that was very effective. She was chasing me like crazy. But then she suddenly stopped.

At first I thought it was because I said something mean to her. So I thought about what to do. First problem was that I really wanted to know if I should keep on with the Push-Pull or whether to stop it. She was already all over me. But I kept doing it.

Then she told me that she was going to meet this guy, a real player.

So I kept it cool and was acting like it didn't matter to me and she was actually telling me all the time that she didn't want something to happen between them, that she only wanted to see him.

So it kind of felt like she was in my frame during the times we spoke which actually was today when I'm writing this.

Anyway, I went out with her and her friends, keeping the same tactic I mentioned last. She was kind of on me now, but not in the same way as before when she was totally on me. For some reason it didn't work as it did earlier the same week.

She told me this thing that made me so scared and it was the only thing I could think of for the rest of the night. She was drunk, and often when people are drunk they have an ability of saying the truth they wouldn't say otherwise.

She said "Your only saying those things to me because you're insecure and don't know what to say to me, so you're saying those things because you want me to react and laugh and ask you things and talk to you"

Then she called the guy she was going to meet (tomorrow). Felt like she did it to make me jealous, something she seems to do a lot.

And we went to the next party. She started crying because she was drunk and wanted to go home. First I tried to act like I didn't care much about it.

But she kept going and no one wanted to go home with her. So I thought like "Even though I will be in her frame this is still a good opportunity to go home with her. So I went with her (by subway by the way).

There I was sitting, in a really tricky situation. She kind of knew what I was doing, so I felt a bit unsure of what to do.

Making her laugh was impossible, that's why I didn't try too much. She got mad every time I opened my mouth (not that I opened it a lot but still).

Second problem was that she had already told me that I was insecure and didn't know what to say to her. Then it's like, you must say something, but can't.

I didn't say very much on the way home and neither did she.

Tomorrow she'll meet the player.

My questions now are:

1. What should you do when a drunk girl says something like that?

2. What can you do when a girl is in a really bad "drunk mode"?

3. What should I do if she gets together with the player?

Please help me! I was, and might be very close. I don't want to lose her now.

M. From New York

Swinggcat's Response:

Good job applying my techniques to real women in the real world. I'm proud of you buddy. I could glut you with praise all day but that's not going to boost your success with women. So let's get down to business.

In your letter you mention using Push-Pull. As you probably discovered, it is a highly effective tool for quickly triggering attraction in women.

For those new to my material, here's a quick explanation of Push-Pull…

Push-Pull is whenever you emotionally push a woman away from you... and, then, emotionally pull her back in. Each Push creates an emotional space for each Pull. Men who've mastered Push-Pull have an unfair advantage over others.

“I really wanted to know if I should keep on with the Push-Pull or whether to stop it.”

If the wheel isn't broken, don't fix it. You found something that worked. Don't stop using it. Push-Pull can successfully be used at any and every stage of the attraction process: from the moment you meet a woman to the bedroom to a long term relationship.

I know married guys who have brought back the romantic spark in their marriages by using Push-Pull with their wives.

In a minute you'll discover why things went awry.

It wasn't Push-Push… but something else you did.

“Then she told me that she was going to meet this guy, a real player. So I kept it cool and was acting like it didn't matter to me and she was actually telling me all the time that she didn't want something to happen between them, that she only wanted to see him. So it kind of felt like she was in my frame during the times we spoke which actually was today when I'm writing this.”

Okay dude… I'm going to conk you over the head with a reality check… and you might not like what I'm going to tell you… but it is the truth…

A woman expressing her worries about fooling around with a player is code for: “I am probably going to sleep with him even though I know it is a bad idea.”

Her reason for sharing this with you isn't because she sees you as her emotional tampon or thinks of you as her girlfriend with a penis.

Instead… she was testing you: Seeing if this bothered you, gauging how much you liked her, and figuring out if this made you jealous.

If you did get that nauseous feeling, if you felt your throat moving up and down inside your neck skin… then she had you by your proverbial balls.

She succeeded in setting the frame – establishing the underlying meaning of your interaction with her – that she is the Prize you are trying to win over.

“Anyways, I went out with her and her friends, keeping the same tactic I mentioned last. She was kind of on me now, but not in the same way as before when she was totally on me. For some reason it didn't work as it did earlier the same week.”

Here's my guess…

The whole player thing messed you up inside. She could see the words “I'm an emotional wreck” tattooed in bright red ink across your forehead.

The techniques didn't work as well as the first time because you were in her frame: She was the Prize you were trying to win over.

She said "You're only saying those things to me because you're insecure and don't know what to say to me, so you're saying those things because you want me to react and laugh and ask you things and talk to you"

She said this to you because she knew she was the one in control of the frame.

This emotionally got to you… and she knew it. She completely sucked you into her negative reality.

You can use all the techniques in the world. But once trapped inside the frame of her being the Prize, their effectiveness is about as useful as beating your head against a wall.

It's like sticking a Ferrari engine inside a 1973 Yugo station wagon and expecting it to run like a world class sports car. It is not gonna happen (Actually, I'm not even sure Yugo made a station wagon in 1973. But I think you get my point.)

Instead of focusing on making her laugh or getting her to like you, you needed to take back control of the frame: Make yourself the Prize in the interaction.

I'm going to share with you a secret for taking back control of the frame.

It's a technique I've successfully used for years… and it works on women regardless of them being drunk or sober.

When done right, it makes most women cream in their panties.

Here's what to do…

The next time a woman tries to steal the frame from you, calmly yet sternly say, “You're being a brat… put out your hand.”

Then when she puts out her hand, slap it and scold, “Bad girl… but if you're good and earn five good girl stars, you'll get a spanking. But only one – don't press your luck missy.”

Don't be surprised if her jaw drops. Or if she says, “I can't believe you just said that!”

Rebut with, “Good… I like that… You get a good girl star… only four more for a spanking.”

Every time she does something you want her to do, give her another good girl star.

And every time she does something wrong, take one away.

This sets a very strong frame that you're the Prize she's struggling to win over.

You're mutating a nauseating interaction into emotionally driving a woman to beg you for a spanking (Important note: There are heaps of devastatingly power mechanisms at work here, several of which I've never publicly written or spoken about until I released my Sexual Connections course. More on that in a minute.)

Small caveat: For the 5 Good Girl Stars For A Spankin' method to successfully suck a woman into your frame, you need to execute it with complete congruence: the tone of your voice, your facial expressions, and your body language need to match the words flying out of your mouth.

I'm going to ask you a question… and I want you to be honest with yourself…

Do you currently possess the skills to attract and succeed with the woman (or women) of your dreams or are you settling for a love life below your potential?

The reason I'm asking is…

Years ago a sage man said something very wise yet troubling to me: “Everyday you put off possessing these skills is another day wasted settling for a love life far worse than what you're capable of. And you can never get these days back. They are gone forever.”

What he said really bothered me. I don't know about you but I can't stand knowing that I'm missing out on something I could be enjoying – especially when it comes to my love life. Feel me brother?

But this motivated me to get off my ass and into the real world talking to real women.

I've spent years discovering, testing, tweaking, and honing easy to master skills for quickly triggering sexual arousal in women and creating the right neurological structures to compel them to act on that arousal in the direction you choose.

I've packed the whole method in detail into my Sexual Connections audio course where you'll receive a world class education, giving you the skills and confidence to effectively suck women into your reality... shut down their critical factor... quickly build sexual arousal inside their body... and create neurological stuctures that compel women to act on that arousal in the direction you choose.

Just like many others have been doing, you too can catapult your current lifestyle with women by getting your hands on a copy of Sexual Connections right now. You deserve it.

In fact, I'm so confident my course is going to transform your dating life style, I'm going to let you test-drive it for 30 days free of charge. Don't like it, send it back. You won't be charged and we'll still be friends.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I think you owe it to yourself to start succeeding with the women you really want.

Click here to reserve your copy right now.

And if you haven't yet picked up a copy of my ebook do so by clicking here. It's the foundation for everything I teach.

Your Loyal Dating Coach,

P.S.-If you have a success story you would like to share or a dating question you would like to ask, or a comment you would like to make, please email me at:

Make sure to include the fist initial of your first and last name. And include the country, state/province, and city you live in.

P.P.S.-If you'v got a billing question please email:

Copyright 2007 Superior Living, Inc. All rightsreserved."Swinggcat" and "RealWorldSeduction" and "Push-Pull "are trademarks of Superior Living, Inc.

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